Dear Parents,
    In this new academic year I wish that your ward should be acquire skills to face the challenges of life, with confidence. I am sure that all parents pay more attention to all actions of the intellectual, and moral sides of their children. Our school makes every efforts to give its students personalised and individual attention, so that each student is competent in curricular and co-curricular areas.
Please note these points for the letter interaction.
Check the diary and note the remarks, circulars, messages from school.
    Please make your children understand that a well ordered and disciplined way of life is as important at home as in school.
    Changes in address or telephone number of parent or guardian must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay, failing which will result in non receipt of communication.
    To get the best for and from their children, parents are advised to maintain close contact with the school. We earnestly recommended that they should look into their ward’s school diary, see to it that the lessons and homework assigned for the day is done regularly. The students should be encouraged to cultivate neatness, solvenliness should be discouraged.
    Remarks made in the school diary should be seen and counter signed regularly.
    Parents are welcome to visit the school. However they are not allowed to interact with teachers during school hours without the sanction of the principal.
    No students will be allowed to go out of the campus during school hours students from neighboring homes, willing to go out during lunch break should obtain permission from the principal in writing through the parents. We expect wholehearted co-operation from you,
                                                                                                        sincerely yours




1.      They should see that their wards abide the rules regarding uniform, attendance etc.

2.      Parents are requested to co-operate with functioning of the school/work by taking an interest in the progress of their children and enforcing       regularity, punctuality and discipline.

3.      Outings, tours, visits to relatives etc with their wards on working days should be avoided.

4.      They should see that their wards do not absent themselves from any test/exam and also on the reopening and closing days.

5.      They should ensure that leave letters for their wards are sent in time.

6.      Parents or their representatives must not contact their wards during school hours without the permission of the principal.

7.      Parents should check the diary daily and see that the homework is done

8.      Progress card should be signed either by father or mother.

9.      All messages communicated by the teachers should be promptly responded.

10.  Communications regarding their wards should be written in the school diary. The wards are to be insisted to inform the teacher concerned and get his/her signature. Change of address if any must be intimated. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school authorities for the improvement of the children. Suggestions for betterment are always welcome.

11.  Full pass in all subjects is essential to get promotion to higher class.

12.  The principal has the right to admit or detain a pupil.

13.  Politeness, courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness in dress and person are expected from every pupil.

14.  Under no circumstance any fee paid to the school will be refunded.

15.  Please take care not to send excess food with the child.

16.  Make sure not to send strangers to fetch the child from the school.

17.  Applications for Transfer Certificates will be received only before April 15th. If you had ordered for books, diary, progress report, identity card before you applied for TC you are to meet the expense of the above.

18.  If they cause any damage to school property, they are to make good the loss.