The IG English School is administered by the Ideal Generation Educational Trust. The school is affiliated to CBSE, Delhi from class 1st to Xth. No. : 930751.IGES is situated at Chirakkal, eight kilometers from Kunnamkulam. The school aims at empowering every student to facethechallenges of the 21st century. The developmental and educational needs of the children are met through activity oriented programme, that provides plenty of “Hands on”
    We focus on acquiring moral values, good habits and a positive self image. Encouraging closeness with nature andenhancing poser of observation; creating aesthetic awareness through music, art and craft. IG English school is student centered and student friendly. It shares the firm belief of the CBSE in the concept of caring and sharing. The school has a team ofdynamic dedicated teachers who love teaching. The primary focus is innovation in teaching learning process and updating of the pedagogical skills of the teachers.

As a part of it, creative smart class rooms are arranged well for the students giving most modern technological facilities. The school aims at making the students work with a vision and creating beauty in their character.